Since I did not receive an answer from you I am resending my response re the podcast. Also here is the link to the New York Times story on MVP just published today. My son was integral to the logistics, people and information for the development of this story.


------ Original Message ------

Received: 08:23 AM MDT, 08/04/2022

From: "LYNDA MAJORS" <ljmajors@usa.net>

To: Lucy Hochschartner <forum@mg1.substack.com>

Cc: "Matthew Pickett" <mp@loudvalley.com>

Subject: Podcast Response...Comment on Keep the Climate Ball Rolling!


I appreciate your response and offer of further discussion and am recommending my son, Matthew Pickett for the podcast interview. He has been actively involved since MVP was first proposed in the Fall of 2014, the year that he graduated from RIT as a filmmaker.

At that time he had already produced one award winning documentary. His experience was similar to yours in that a sport, canoeing, pointed up a problem. On a break from school he paddled and fished a local Virginia river and in the process discovered that one could be trespassing just by paddling down a public river. That started his interest in water rights and water issues which continues as a theme in the pipeline fight. "The King's River" is an interesting investigation into King George II land grants which supersede the Virginia statutes and arguably the US Constitution.

Since then he has continued to use his skills to bring attention to the Mountain Valley Pipeline, filming our very first video to try to bring the attention of the local people to the pipeline construction in 2015. Subsequently he has shot documentaries of multistate protest walks, has backpacked in heavy camera gear to cover pipeline destruction in the Appalachian mountains, and has covered the multiday ultra marathoners protest run, sometimes running backwards to get the shots. That run, the length of the pipeline, 300+ miles, was sponsored by Patagonia and published by Patagonia Trail Running in 2021. Patagonia's Post 1 & Post 2

Matthew has recently been a guest speaker for the international forum Seats of Wisdom Symposium hosted at the historic Sweet Springs Resort in West Virginia, where he spoke about the "Art of Advocacy." He has also been a guest on former. Democratic State Representative Ed Fallon's radio show on May 30th (segment starts @ 20:38 on the May30th episode) where he discussed the dangers of the Mountain Valley Pipeline and promoted the Walk for Appalachia's Future event that was happening throughout that week.

His interest in issues surrounding water and climate change particularly on the local and regional level have also led him to work as a digital campaign strategist and media producer for state and federal candidates who have climate issues as important parts of their platform in VA, GA, and NC.

Since 2017, he has been teaching in the communications department at the University of Virginia's College at Wise to help Appalachians/Virginians be more media literate and able to better craft their own narrative in an increasingly digital world.

Having enjoyed and benefited from playing soccer throughout High School Matthew recently became the Head Coach of two youth girls teams (Club and High School JV).

He will be a good interview as he can have a knowledgeable discussion in many areas-politics, economics, water, and climate change as well as topics specific to the pipeline. If you are interested you can contact him at:

Matthew M. Pickett

Adjunct Professor - University of Virginia's College at Wise

Youth Coach - Virginia United FC/New River United Soccer Association

Head Coach - Blacksburg High School JV Girls Soccer

Owner - Loud Valley Productions, LLC

Co-Producer - Believe

(c) 540.320.6925


Thanks for your interest in having a more complete discussion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline and its effect on frontline communities.


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I have been fighting against the MVP coming through my neighborhood for the past 8 years. The pipeline has lost multiple permits in multiple court cases, and is now asking FERC for ANOTHER 4 years for construction in addition to the 2 extra years already awarded. Now Senator Manchin has just made a deal to limit appeals and change judges and limit environmental review. If you can't win-change the rules!...What kind of a climate win is this legislation when drilling and new infrastructure is the tradeoff!

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