Weekly Action Round Up
Hi, all.
Lots happening in the climate world! This week, I’m making a list of four actions happening around the country on various fronts and how you can get involved, plus one bonus article meant to inspire us all to keep our chins up.
Issue: The city of Portland, OR is expected to release a decision on an appeal that will decide if a fossil fuel company called Zenith can keep shipping in dirty oil and polluting the air. Read more about the case here.
Action: Extinction Rebellion Portland is organizing an action that will take place the day after they hand down the decision. Whether that action is a protest or more of a celebration depends on the decision– stay tuned to their twitter feed to get more details. (In-person)
Issue: The Minnesota Supreme Court rescinded a permit for a mining company, PolyMet, to build a copper-sulfide mine in Northern MN, which is great news! But the plans for the mine are still on the table. Learn more here.
Action: Minnesotans are gathering to tell their governor to “move on” from PolyMet and just say no to the new mine. RSVP to the event here. (The event is in-person, but you can sign the petition virtually!)
Issue: The governor of California is planning on making it illegal to put oil/gas wells within one kilometer of homes, schools, or healthcare facilities across CA. Which is great, except for that it doesn’t apply to existing oil/gas wells that have been harming people who live or work near them and will continue to do so. Read more about the issue here.
Action: You can sign this petition to support having a buffer between oil/gas wells and home, schools, and healthcare facilities. (Virtual)
Issue: The Build Back Better Bill. Almost enough said right there, but apparently there’s still hope for getting it passed (it might include chopping it up into “chunks”). Would be great to get some climate legislation through. Read more here.
Action: It may feel like a shot in the dark, but we may as well keep pushing for the senate to pass the bill. (Virtual)
And if you have a minute, and/or need some inspiration, check out this article about a successful movement: Individuals and Social Pressure: How to Change the World.