Auspicious August Actions
Hi, all!
Happy August, and welcome back to another Movement Monday!
Though the eighth month is named after the first emperor of Rome, Caesar Augustus, the word “august” itself can actually be traced back to the Latin word “augur,” which in turn means “consecrated by augur” or “auspicious” (compliments of Merriam-Webster).
With most of the world seemingly on fire, in a drought, or underwater as August begins this year, “auspicious” is not the first word that comes to mind to describe the present moment.
Nevertheless, here at On the Level, we see more and more people being forced to confront the climate crisis head on and more and more of a general feeling that action must be taken, and soon. And that, we feel, is something auspicious.
In the theme of people getting into gear and taking action on climate change, we wanted to highlight a smattering of actions happening around the US at the moment. These are just a few online actions we found inspiring, but we’d love to hear from you, reader, as well– comment on our website or social media pages and let us know you’re excited about!
Red Road to D.C.’s Petition to Protect Indigenous Sacred Sites Now (virtual/national)
Protecting Indigenous land rights goes hand-in-hand with climate justice, and this petition is meant to remind President Biden and Congress of that fact.
Environmental Defense Fund’s Big, Bold Climate Solutions Letter to Legislators (virtual/national)
EDF has written a letter for you to send to your legislators to encourage them to invest in green infrastructure right now.
Greenpeace’s Petition to Ban Misleading Fossil Fuel Industry Ads from Social Media (virtual/national)
Not your typical pollution or renewables petition, but a very important issue, and one that directly relates to current conversations about big tech and misinformation.
Now the next couple of recommendations aren’t exactly actions, but we encourage you to check them out anyways if you’re feeling in an auspicious (or inauspicious) mood and want to be inspired:
The Climate Resistance Handbook
With a forward by Greta Thunberg, this free, online book is basically Climate Organization 101. If you’ve already dipped your toes in the movement as a participant, but want to learn how to take some bigger steps, this book is for you.
Hosted by Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Alex Blumberg, this podcast digs into potential climate solutions, the people behind them, and the debates surrounding how we can get ourselves out of this mess. If you want to learn more, get some hopey-changey vibes in your system, and have a few laughs, this one’s for you.
Like I said before, let us know about actions or other resources you’re excited about by commenting on our website or our social media pages. We’d love to hear from you!
You can also join us by subscribing to our newsletter, sending it to friends and family, following us on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and/or donating to On the Level.
Thanks for reading!